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livery stable (出租車馬的)馬車行,馬房。


Accordingly , after a few such preliminaries , as , in spite of his having forgotten to take up his rather soapsuddy handkerchief after it had done yeoman service in the shaving line , brushing , they both walked together along beaver street , or , more properly , lane , as far as the farrier s and the distinctly fetid atmosphere of the livery stables at the corner of montgomery street where they made tracks to the left from thence debouching into amiens street round by the corner of dan bergin s 他那塊略沾肥皂味的手絹盡到撣刨花的責任后,就掉在地上了,他忘記把它拾起來,卻用手去揩拭。準備就緒后,他們二人就一道沿著比弗街或說得更確切些,比弗巷一直走到蒙哥馬利街角那座釘馬掌的棚子和散發著強烈臭氣的出租馬車行那兒,向左轉,又在丹伯金那家店跟前拐彎,走進阿緬斯街。